

Installation, paper, african sculture, Ok_Centrum Linz, Austria 2004, University of Salzburg, 2012 & Installation, paper, CALIGULA Salzburg, Austria

Das Glueck

Das Glueck

Stopmotion, Peter Behrens House, Linz, 2001  



LogoPop, add-banners framed, Salzburg, 2007/12 Collected at the bicycle world-championship in 2007 the rearranged letters of international company logos transform into abstract compositions. The audience can choose a partition an create an artwork for their personal use.

Traffic jam

Traffic jam

Ein Ensemble von Zeichnungen, formal und zugleich wild gehängt, fokussiert den Blick des Betrachters auf eine Vielzahl von Autos in alten (Kunst-)Rahmen. Gewesenes – der Rahmen wie die Zeichnung als Verweise auf die Zeitlosigkeit von Kunst –  und Gegenwärtiges – Automotiv und Bilderflut – werden kompositorisch ineinandergeschichtet. Gleichzeitig hält eine Papierskulptur aus Pappmache (im Sinne […]

Behrens House Linz

Behrens House Linz

art in public space, cardboard behind glass, Peter-Behrenshouse, Linz/Austria, 1999 – 2003 The architectorial monument of the tabaco-factory, planned by the Bauhaus artist Peter Behrens was sight for a four-year art project staging various messages for thousands of daily passing cars. Starting with a comment on the bombing of Serbia by Nato-forces and ending four […]

Childrenlandscape 2.0

Childrenlandscape 2.0

Cooperative art project „Childrenlandscape 2.0“, collective creation prozess, installation with paintings, artspace periscope, Salzburg, 2011 The cooperative prozess was triggered by interactive dancing exercises with a group of children. Again the final goal was a visual artwork created with joined forces by the kids. Their work collides in an art space with the artist singular […]



Cooperative art project „Childrenlandscape“, collective creation prozess, installation with paintings, gallery 5020, Salzburg, 2010 The cooperative prozess with a group of children was resulting in a mural painting. This supra-subjective work in the gallery collides with the artist singular work, landscape paintings of individual traffic in rural situations.  



Installation „framed“, official print on paper, glass, wood, 2010 In the county of Salzburg/Austria schools are furnished with the national symbols and anthems. In this installation the slightly smaller frames of the later give little space for national identity.